Geopolitics in Knowledge Production: Unheard Voices from Global South against the Linguistic and Euro American Hegemony in Academic Writing


  • Abdullah Al-Mamun



academic writing , English language , publishing industry


This paper foregrounds the investigation of the culture of academic writing in relation to the context of Bangladeshi applied linguists. It also aims to address the hegemony of English language and the hegemony of Global North over Global South in the field of knowledge practice as well as production. This study finds out the geopolitical factors that affect and  hallenge Bangladeshi applied linguists while trying to publish their research paper. By entangling the culture of academic writing, the researcher has conducted a qualitative study where the data collected from in depth interviews have been utilized to answer the research questions. The data reveal a tension in the field of knowledge production where several
geopolitical aspects act as an instigating force affecting academic writing of Bangladeshi applied linguists. For instance, uneven editorial boards, marginalization of the work done by the scholars from Global South, market-like logic of publishing industry, biased motivation for international publication, dominance of western stylistics, hegemonic image of the English language are causing anunequal competition for Bangladeshi applied linguists who are willing to contribute in academia. Considering the demand of a borderless academia, the study has advocated for democratizing the field of knowledge production. Key words: geopolitics, academic writing, hegemony, Global North, Global South, knowledge production.




How to Cite

Abdullah Al-Mamun, “Geopolitics in Knowledge Production: Unheard Voices from Global South against the Linguistic and Euro American Hegemony in Academic Writing ”, TBJ, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 17–52, Feb. 2024.


